Setelah memasukan kartu prabayar, ikutilah petunjuk registrasi. Masukan outlet ID dengan benar!
Bila anda menerima sms dari 4444 sbb:
"Maaf, saat ini permintaan Anda tidak dapat diproses. Silahkan hubungi call centre 188 untuk informasi lebih lanjut."
Kirim SMS ke no 1818 dengan format "POSID <Outlet_ID>"
Anda akan menerima sms dari 1818 sbb:
"Pelanggan Yth, Layanan prabayar Anda telah telah dapat dipergunakan.Terimakasih."
Selamat, kartu prabayar anda sudah aktif. Silahkan dicoba digunakan.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Friday, August 11, 2017
Windows 10: prevent overheat your processor in Windows 10 at your laptop
To prevent overheat your processor in Windows 10, follows these steps:
- Windows search and type "Edit power plan"
- Click "Change advance power Settings"
- Expand "Processor power management" -> "Maximum processor state" and modify these values:
- Change on battery to 90%
- Plugged in to 95%
Don't let 100% CPU state in your laptop. It may cause overheat depend on applications you are running.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Kicad: create single layer pcb
Flow to create single layer pcb:
- Create schematic diagram using Eeschema
- Run PvPCB to associate components and footprint
- Generate netlist
- Run Pcbnew to layout pcb
After running Pcbnew, spread all component with following steps:
- Read netlist
- Activate Mode footprint: manual and automatic movement and placement
- Right click -> Global spread and place
Change default track size and distance
- Design Rules -> Design Rules
- Set Clearence: default distance between track and other components or track.
- Set Track width: default track width/size
Layer setup
- Design Rules -> Layers Setup
- Set F for front and B for back, with each side F and B.
- F: CrtYd, Fab and SilkS
- B: Mask, SilkS and Adhes
- Solder Mask (F/B Mask):These define the solder masks. All pads should appear on one of these layers (SMT) or both (for through hole) to prevent the varnish from covering the pads.
- Silk Screen (F/B SilkS):They are the layers where the drawings of the components appear. That’s where you draw things like component polarity, first pin indicator, reference for mounting, …
- Solder Paste (F/B Paste):Used to produce a mask to allow solder paste to be placed on the pads of surface mount components, generally before reflow soldering. Usually only surface mount pads occupy these layers.
- Adhesive (F/B Adhes):These are used in the application of adhesive to stick SMD components to the circuit board, generally before wave soldering.
- Fabrication (F/B Fab):Footprint assembly (?).
- Courtyard (F/B CrtYd):Used to show how much space a component physically takes on the PCB.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Alur pindah sekolah SD 2017 (1 Propinsi/DKI)
Alur proses yang dapat dilakukan orang tua dalam mengurus pindah sekolah (mutasi) SD adalah sebagai berikut:
- Mendapatkan Surat Keterangan Telah Diterima dari sekolah yang dituju.
- Mengurus perpindahan sekolah disekolah lama dengan dokumen antara lain:
- Surat Keterangan Telah Diterima.
- Surat permohonan mutasi yang ditandatangani diatas meterai 6.000,-.
- Minta persetujuan dari Dinas Pendidikan Kecamatan dengan dokumen antara lain:
- Form 8355.
- Copy Akreditasi sekolah lama.
- Copy ijin operasional sekolah lama.
- Surat Keterangan Kelakukan Baik dari sekolah lama.
- NISN (Nomor Induk Siswa Nasional).
- Keterangan pindah yang ada dibagian akhir rapot.
- Surat Keterangan Telah Diterima (dari no 2).
- Surat permohonan mutasi yang ditandatangi diatas meterai 6.000,- (dari no 2).
- Setelah mendapat persetujuan pada no 3 (telah ditandatang dan distempel), copy semua dokumen yang disertakan pada no.3 sebanyak 2 rangkap (1 untuk dokumen dan 1 untuk Sudin Walikota. Selanjutnya, minta persetujuan dari Dinas Pendidikan Sudin Walikota dengan dokumen asli dan copynya.
- Bawa berkas pada No. 4 kesekolah tujuan.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
What do we have to prepare before upload in Amazon
Create these your application icon for various dimension in png format:
Create 3 Screen shoot 800X480 or 480x800.
- Small icon 114 x 114px PNG (with transparency)
- Large icon 512 x 512px PNG (with transparency)
Create 3 Screen shoot 800X480 or 480x800.
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