Monday, August 31, 2020

Debian Buster: build and install ZJ-5802 Portable Bluetooth Thermal Receipt Printer 58 mm


Install CUPS configurator

# apt-get install  system-config-printer

Installing ZJ-5802 Portable Bluetooth Thermal Receipt Printer driver

  1. install requirements
    # apt install build-essential cmake libcups2-dev libcupsimage2-dev
    wait, it takes some times.
  2. Download code (by click 'Code') from
  3. create directory
    $ mkdir zj58master
  4. copy file
    $ cp zj58master/
  5. extract
    $ cd zj58master/
    $ unzip
  6. move to extraced folder
    $ cd zj-58-master/
  7. create directory to build source
    $ mkdir build
  8. move to build directory
    $ cd build/
  9. run cmake from source i.e. /home/[your_user_name]/Downloads/zj58master/zj-58-master
    $ cmake /home/dedetok/Downloads/zj58master/zj-58-master
  10. install as root from folder /home/[your_user_name]/Downloads/zj58master/zj-58-master/build
    # make install
  11. if there is no failure, you can configure your CUPS

Configure CUPS

  1. Applications -> Settings -> Print Settings
  2. Unlock printer
  3. Add (sign '+ ADD') Printer
  4. Select Device
        Devices: Unknown (Printer)
        Connection: USB
    click Forward
  5. Choose driver
        Select printer from database: Zijiang
    click Forward
        Models: Zj-58
        Drivers: Zijiang Zj-58 [en] (recommended)
    click Forward
        Leave blank on options (i.e. Cash Drawer 1, Cash Drawer 2, and Cutter. My model does not have these hardware)
    click Forward
  6. click Apply
  7. Print test page
  8. Your printer should be run properly


odoo 13: point of sale (clean install)

First time you open odoo http://localhost:8069/web/database/selector, you need to create database for your store

Database Name    : castore
Email    : <your valid email>
Password    : ****
Phone number    :
Language    :English
Country    : Indonesia

Note: Default buildin user is "Administrator".

Note: you can select Language Indonesia if you wish
It takes sometime to complete, depend on your hardware. In my small laptop Asus Eee PC 1215B RAM 8GB, it takes about 2-3 minutes.

Configure Preferences
go to Administrator (drop down) -> Preferences
Timezone    : Asia/Jakarta
and save.

Configure your company (store),
go to Settings -> Users & Companies -> Companies -> My Company -> Edit
Company Name    : <your company/store>
Currency    : IDR
and Save.

Add Apps, go to Apps
Apps -> Point of Sale -> Install (will install Inventory and Invoicing)
Apps -> Sales -> Install

Configure products
Inventory -> Master Data -> Products -> Create
Product Name    : lacquer isamu 250 gram
    Can be Sold
    Can be Purchased
General Information
    Product Type    : Storable Product
    Product Category    : All
    Sales Price    : 30000
    Cost    : 20000
To add picture/icon, at camera icon click Edit
Then click On Hand -> Create
On Hand Quantity    : 10000
and Save.
Edit your previous product (i.e. lacquer isamu 250 gram)
Point of Sale
    Available in POS: checked
    Category -> Create and Edit
        Category Name: iron putty
        Parent Category: <blank>
        and save.
and save.

Try your Point of Sale
Point of Sale -> New Session
lacquer isamu 250 gram
change Qty (quantity) to 2.
change Price to 25000
make Payment -> Cash
Tendered: 60000
Validate and you can print reciept.

Done. You can now add more products to sell.


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

odoo 13: install on Debian 10.5

Install PostgreSQL
# apt-get install postgresql

Install package wkhtmltopdf
# apt-get install wkhtmltopdf

Install package python3-xlwt
# apt-get install python3-xlwt

Install package python3-num2words
# apt-get install python3-num2words

Add odoo 13 repository and install
1. download repository key and install
# wget
# apt-key add odoo.key
2. add odoo 13 to /etc/apt/sources.list
# odoo
deb ./
3. update your repository
# apt-get update
4. install odoo 13
# apt-get install odoo

My complete /etc/apt/sources.list
# security
deb buster/updates main

# main
deb buster main

# non free
deb buster main contrib non-free

# backport
deb buster-backports main

# odoo
deb ./

Note: nightly build will release everyday, If you don't need to update it daily, you may comment out odoo in /etc/apt/sources.list.

After finish, you can open your odoo using firefox http://localhost:8069/.


Monday, August 24, 2020

Dolibarr ERP 12: Configure your TakePOS for small retail

Start your company
Home -> Setup -> Company/Organization
Tab Company
    Name is mandatory
    Country is mandatory
    Sales Tax Management for small company choose "Sales tax is not used"
Tab Opening hours
    Monday - Sunday for example 7-12 13-16 means open from 7am, at 12pm, close at 16pm.

Enabling module Financial Modules (Accounting/Treasury) -> Banks & Cash
After enable, from Top Bar go to Banks | Cash
Create New financial account
    Ref.: cash0001
    Bank or cash label: Cash
    Account type: Cash Account
    Currency: Indonesia
    Status: Open
    Account country: Indonesia
    Initial balance: 5000000

Enabling module Customer Relationship Management (CRM) -> Third Parties
After enable, from Top Bar go to Third Parties.
Create Third-party (New Customer)
    Third-party name: "Unknown 3rd party"
    Prospect / Customer: "Customer"
Create Contacts/Addresses
    Last name / Label: "Unknown Customer"
    Third-party: "Unknown 3rd party"

Enabling module
    Product Management (PM) -> Prodcuts
    Product Management (PM) -> Stocks
    Multi-modules tools -> Tags/categories
After enable, from Top Bar go to Products.
New warehouse
    Ref.: local
    Short name location: local001
New product
    Ref.: Isamu_Lacquer_1_4kg
    Label: Isamu Lacquer 1/4kg
    Status (Sell): For sale
    Status (Purchase): For purchase
    Default warehouse: local
    Nature of product (material/finished):  Manufactured product
    Selling price: 25000
    Min. sell price: 23000
    Tag/categories: dempul besi (modify from Product -> Tags/Category)
and save.
List or Stocks -> choose Isamu_Lacquer_1_4kg -> tab Stock -> Correct Stock
    Warehouse: local
    Number of untis: 50
    Unit Purchase price: 21000
and save.

Enabling module Websites and other frontal application -> TakePOS
After enable, click icon setting.
In Parameters, Enabling Simple
    Group VAT by rate in tickets|receipts
    Group same products lines
    Use payment icon on numpad
    Direct cash payment button
    Control cash box at opening pos
and Save.
in tab Terminal 1
    Default generic third party to use for sales: "Unknown 3rd Party"
    Default account to use to receive cash payments: Cash
and Save.

To start TakePOS, from Top Bar go to POS -> Start and Save

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Membuat Presensi/Absensi sekolah secara sederhana

 Login ke google melalui browser.

Siapkan google drive untuk menyimpan presensi:

  1. buka
  2. pilih "New" -> "Folder"
  3. masukan nama folder misalnya "presensi" -> "CREATE"

Membuat google form untuk presensi:

  1. dari google drive, buka folder yang baru yang dibuat (folder presensi)
  2. klik "New" -> "More" -> "Google Forms" -> "Blank form"
  3. ganti judul "Untitle form" menjadi "Presensi/Absensi"
  4. ganti "Untitle Questions" menjadi "kelas"
  5. rubah "Multiple Choice" menjadi "Dropdown"
  6. aktifkan "Required"
  7. tambahkan question melalui icon "+" -> "Add question"
  8. isi question dengan "tanggal"
  9. rubah "Multiple choice" dengan "Date"
  10. aktifkan "Required"
  11. tambahkan question melalui icon "+" -> "Add question"
  12. isi question dengan "nama"
  13. rubah "Multiple choice" dengan "Short Answer"
  14. aktifkan "Required"

(Opsional) Konfigurasi form presensi/absensi:

  1. 1. klik tombol settings (disamping tombol "Send")
  2. 2. Collect email address
  3. 3. Bila presensi/absensi akan dibuat per pertemuan dan siswa hanya bisa absen 1 kali, aktifkan opsi "Limit to 1 response"

Google form anda telah siap dan tersimpan di google driver folder "presensi" dengan nama "Presensi/Absensi" 

Untuk mengirimkan google form tersebut, buka google form presensi yang telah dibuat, lalu klik "Send" dan pilih link. Copy link yang akan dishare ke group whatsapp atau peserta lainnya.

Folder presensi tersebut dapat dishare ke guru/admin sekolah untuk dicopy (dibutuhkan akun google dari guru/admin).

Friday, August 21, 2020

Dolibarr ERP: 12.0.2 on Debian 10.5

Download stable version dolibarr-12.0.2.tgz from Source Forge -> Dolibarr ERP-CRM Extract dolibarr-12.0.2.tgz and move folder htdocs to your web root or subfolder.
Create user and mariadb database for Dolibar.

Move to your dolibarr web root. Copy configuration example conf folder and make it writeable during installation.
$ cp conf/conf.php.example conf/conf.php
$ chmod o+w conf/conf.php

Create directory documents and make it writeable.
$ mkdir documents
$ chmod o+w documents/

Install Dolibarr using your browser http://localhost/tes/dolibarr/
Ok PHP Version 7.3.19-1~deb10u1 (More information)
Ok This PHP supports variables POST and GET.
Ok This PHP supports sessions.
Ok This PHP supports GD graphical functions.
Ok This PHP supports Curl.
Ok This PHP supports calendars extensions.
Ok This PHP supports UTF8 functions.
Ok This PHP supports Intl functions.
Ok This PHP supports ZIP functions.
Ok Your PHP max session memory is set to 128M. This should be enough.
Ok Configuration file htdocs/conf/conf.php exists.
Ok Configuration file htdocs/conf/conf.php is writable.

Fill database login and password
Configuration file
Saving parameters to ../conf/conf.php    Ok
Reloading parameters from configuration file.    Ok
Server connection (User dolibarr) : localhost    Ok
Database connection (User dolibarr) : dolibarr    Ok

Your Dolibarr ready to install, wait until installation finish.

Last installation, create user admin and password.
olibarr admin login
Last step: Define here the login and password you wish to use to connect to Dolibarr. Do not lose this as it is the master account to administer all other/additional user accounts.

Dolibarr administrator login 'admin' created successfully.
This installation is complete.
Warning, for security reasons, once the install or upgrade is complete, you should add a file called install.lock into the Dolibarr document directory in order to prevent the accidental/malicious use of the install tools again.

You need to configure Dolibarr to suit your needs (appearance, features, ...).

Add file install.lock
$ touch install.lock

Conguratulation! Your Dolibar 12.0.2 is ready to configure to meet your company requirement and use.

Test on Debian 10.5 Kernel Version 4.19.0-10-amd64

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Windows 10 sharing printer on private network only


  1. Enabling Windows sharing "Manage advanced sharing setings"
    1. Private
      1. Turn on network discovery & Turn on automativ setup of network connected device
      2. Turn on file and printer sharing
    2. Guest or Public
      1. Turn off network discovery
      2. Turn off file and printer sharing
    3. All networks
      1. Turn off Public folder sharing (people logged on to this computer can still access these folders)
      2. Use 128-bit encryption to help protect file sharing connectin (recommended)
      3. Turn off password protected sharing
  2. Enabling guest user, open cmd with "Run as administrator" permission
        >net user guest /active:yes
  3. Share printer, "Printers & Scanners", choose printer to share, "Manage" -> "Printer properties"
    1.     Sharing
      1.         Share this printer (optional: you can change share name)
      2.         Render print-jobs on client computer
    2.     Security
      1.         Everyone: Print, Manage this printer, Manage documents
      2.         Guest: Print, Manage this printer, Manage documents (add group or user name)


Warning: only use on private network!!!

Caution: use with your own security risk on non private network!!!


  • Some Windows 10 update, version 1903 or later, may have some problem with your printer driver and printer sharing. You need to find solution on microsoft site if reinstall and reconnect your printer does not solved your problem.
  • You can not share printer if the printer is offline

Monday, August 3, 2020

Debian Buster: Installing zoom client meeting

Download zoom client meeting from

Install dependency
# apt-get install dconf-cli gir1.2-ibus-1.0 ibus ibus-clutter ibus-gtk ibus-gtk3 im-config libclutter-1.0-0 libclutter-1.0-common libclutter-imcontext-0.1-0 libclutter-imcontext-0.1-bin libcogl-common libcogl-pango20 libcogl-path20 libcogl20 libdouble-conversion1 libibus-1.0-5 libpcre2-16-0 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 libqt5gui5 libqt5network5 libqt5svg5 libqt5widgets5 libxcb-icccm4 libxcb-image0 libxcb-keysyms1 libxcb-randr0 libxcb-render-util0 libxcb-xinerama0 libxcb-xkb1 libxcb-xtest0 libxkbcommon-x11-0 qt5-gtk-platformtheme qttranslations5-l10n

Install zoom client meeting
# dpkg -i zoom_amd64.deb
(Reading database ... 93758 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack zoom_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking zoom (5.1.422789.0705) over (5.1.422789.0705) ...
run post uninstall script, action is upgrade ...
Setting up zoom (5.1.422789.0705) ...
run post install script, action is configure...
Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils (0.23-4) ...
Processing triggers for mime-support (3.62) ...
Processing triggers for shared-mime-info (1.10-1) ...

Screenshoot zoom client:

Screenshoot zoom setting:

Tested XFCE Desktop on Debian 10.5 linux-image 4.19.0-10-amd64