- Windows search and type "Edit power plan"
- Click "Change advance power Settings"
- Expand "Processor power management" -> "Maximum processor state" and modify these values:
- Change on battery to 90%
- Plugged in to 95%
Friday, August 11, 2017
Windows 10: prevent overheat your processor in Windows 10 at your laptop
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Kicad: create single layer pcb
- Create schematic diagram using Eeschema
- Run PvPCB to associate components and footprint
- Generate netlist
- Run Pcbnew to layout pcb
- Read netlist
- Activate Mode footprint: manual and automatic movement and placement
- Right click -> Global spread and place
- Design Rules -> Design Rules
- Set Clearence: default distance between track and other components or track.
- Set Track width: default track width/size
- Design Rules -> Layers Setup
- Set F for front and B for back, with each side F and B.
- F: CrtYd, Fab and SilkS
- B: Mask, SilkS and Adhes
- Solder Mask (F/B Mask):These define the solder masks. All pads should appear on one of these layers (SMT) or both (for through hole) to prevent the varnish from covering the pads.
- Silk Screen (F/B SilkS):They are the layers where the drawings of the components appear. That’s where you draw things like component polarity, first pin indicator, reference for mounting, …
- Solder Paste (F/B Paste):Used to produce a mask to allow solder paste to be placed on the pads of surface mount components, generally before reflow soldering. Usually only surface mount pads occupy these layers.
- Adhesive (F/B Adhes):These are used in the application of adhesive to stick SMD components to the circuit board, generally before wave soldering.
- Fabrication (F/B Fab):Footprint assembly (?).
- Courtyard (F/B CrtYd):Used to show how much space a component physically takes on the PCB.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Alur pindah sekolah SD 2017 (1 Propinsi/DKI)
- Mendapatkan Surat Keterangan Telah Diterima dari sekolah yang dituju.
- Mengurus perpindahan sekolah disekolah lama dengan dokumen antara lain:
- Surat Keterangan Telah Diterima.
- Surat permohonan mutasi yang ditandatangani diatas meterai 6.000,-.
- Minta persetujuan dari Dinas Pendidikan Kecamatan dengan dokumen antara lain:
- Form 8355.
- Copy Akreditasi sekolah lama.
- Copy ijin operasional sekolah lama.
- Surat Keterangan Kelakukan Baik dari sekolah lama.
- NISN (Nomor Induk Siswa Nasional).
- Keterangan pindah yang ada dibagian akhir rapot.
- Surat Keterangan Telah Diterima (dari no 2).
- Surat permohonan mutasi yang ditandatangi diatas meterai 6.000,- (dari no 2).
- Setelah mendapat persetujuan pada no 3 (telah ditandatang dan distempel), copy semua dokumen yang disertakan pada no.3 sebanyak 2 rangkap (1 untuk dokumen dan 1 untuk Sudin Walikota. Selanjutnya, minta persetujuan dari Dinas Pendidikan Sudin Walikota dengan dokumen asli dan copynya.
- Bawa berkas pada No. 4 kesekolah tujuan.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
What do we have to prepare before upload in Amazon
- Small icon 114 x 114px PNG (with transparency)
- Large icon 512 x 512px PNG (with transparency)
Create 3 Screen shoot 800X480 or 480x800.
Sunday, June 11, 2017
What do we have to prepare before upload our application in Google Play Store
Create your application icon in 512x512 px. in Android Studio, use Image Asset to generate application icon (include for Google Play Store)
Google play publishing a new application, from dashboarrd
1. Set privacy policy (url, privacy policy must image)
2. App access
3. Ads
4. Content rating
5. Target audience
6. News apps
7. Data safety
8. Government apps
9. Financial features
10. Health
11. Select an app category and provide contact details
12. Set up your store listing (Store presence -> Main store lisiting)
13. Select countries and regions
14. Create closed & Open testing release (the same version)
15. Create a new release
16. Preview and confirm the release
17. Send the release to Google for review
Store presence -> Main store lisiting
1. App name
2. Short description
3. Full description
4. App icon
5. Feature graphic demension 1024 w x 500 h in JPG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha
6. Phone screenshots (8 images)