Tuesday, July 7, 2015

OpenERP 6.1: Disable Developer Mode (old)

Create a module and create an xml file named base.xml in the following path disable_developer_mode/static/src/xml/base.xml (where disable_developer_mode is the new module created) and add the following to the base.xml file.
<templates id="base.template" xml:space="preserve">

<t t-extend="ViewManagerAction">
    <t t-jquery="select.oe_debug_view" t-operation="replace">
        <select t-if="self.session.uid === 1 and self.session.debug" class="oe_debug_view"/>

Here self.session.uid === 1 is given where 1 is the id of the admin, if it is different in your system check the database and edit it. Add the base.xml file in the disable_developer_mode's __openerp__.py file as the folowing
    'name': 'Disable Developer Mode',
    'version': '0.1',
    'category': 'Others',
    'sequence': 20,
    'summary': 'Disable Developer Mode',
    'description': """
Disable Developer Mode
    'author': 'Gopakumar N G',
    'website': 'http://zbeanztech.com/blogs/nggopakumar',
    'images': [],
    'depends': ['base'],
    'data': [],
    'demo': [],
    'installable': True,
    'application': False,
    'js': [],
    'css' : [],
    'qweb' : ["static/src/xml/base.xml"]
Update your module and restart the server, now the debugging drop-down box will not be shown for all users except admin.

Ref: http://help.openerp.com/question/32065/how-to-deactivate-developer-mode-in-openerp-61-for-all-users-except-admin/

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