Tuesday, July 7, 2015

How to generate APK with your signed key in Eclipse?

All Android appliation need signed key. When you want to publish your application, you can not use debuger signed, and you have to create your own key. here are the steps:
  1. Rigth click your project -> Android Tools -> Export Signed
    Application Package
  2. Select your project
  3. Choose "Create new keystore"
    Enter key file location to store the key
    enter your password
  4. Fill form of key creation
    Alias: The name of the key for
    Password: reenter your key created at poin 3
    Validity year: fill maximum i.e 25 years
    Fist Name: fill your name
    Orgnization: your corporate
    City or Location: your city
    State or Province: your state/province
    Country Code (XX): for example ID for Indonesia
  5. Select your folder to place APK File
  6. Finish.
Remeber to keep the pair of password and key file. To make it easy, create 2 file, for example mykey.key file to store the key and mykey.txt file to store your password in text.

Note: This pair password and key must be used for application update!

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