Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Debian Wheezy, ADT and Eclipse Perfect Environment for Android Developer

I can not find in internet, any proper way to install Android Development Tools and Eclipse in Linux, for my case in Debian Wheezy x64.
Installing Eclipse and Openjdk-7 is straight forward using Debian Wheezy repository. Default Openjdk in Debian Wheezy is Openjdk-6.
Before Installing Android Develipment Tools, you need to install library 32 bit as a root by isuing this command:
# apt-get install libc6-i386 lib32stdc++6 lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses5 lib32z1 libglu1-mesa-dev
These are steps to install Android Development Tools regarding to Android Developer (http://developer.android.com)
  1. Download latest Android SDK from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
  2. Extract in folder /home/[user]
    For example: /home/dedet/android-sdk-linux
  3. Run this command using your login for my case dedet
    $ cd android-sdk-linux
    $ tools/android 
  4. Select Level latest API SDK and minimum for your application development and wait until it's finish.
  5. Create your Android Virtual Device Profile
  6. Run your Eclipse add a new software site into your Eclipse
    Name: Google Android SDK
    Location: http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/
  7. Prior to ADT Version 23.0, You need to install ADT Translation Manager
    Name: Google Android Tools Translation
    Location: https://dl.google.com/alt/
  8. Restart your Eclipse
  9. From Prefrences -> Android, select your ADK folder i.e. /home/dedet/android-sdk-linux
  10. Restart your Eclipspe and done

Note Accelerating Android Emulator on Virtual Machine:
  1. Hardware Intel VT or AMD VT
  2. Software Android SDK Tools Revision 17 or higher
  3. Android x86-based system image
Install and configuration
  1. Install Android x86-based via ADT. Under API Level select Android x86-based
  2. Configure emulator via AVD. Create a new AVD with an x86 value for the CPU/ABI field.

  • If you have trouble when installing Eclipse ADT plugin, just download it from http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/installing-adt.html
  • Do not extract it, install this plugin from Eclipse add new software and choose location from archive

Reference: http://developer.android.com/

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