Friday, January 5, 2018

Debian Stretch: Install Genymotion

Requirement: VirtualBox 5.0.28

To install Genymotion:
  1. Download genymotion from (you need account to access download page).
    $ ./Downloads/genymotion-2.11.0-linux_x64.bin
    Installing for current user only. To install for all users, restart this installer as root.

    Installing to folder [/home/username/genymotion]. Are you sure [y/n] ? y

    - Trying to find VirtualBox toolset .................... OK (Valid version of VirtualBox found: 4.3.36_Debianr105129)
    - Extracting files .....................................
    OK (Extract into: [/home/username/genymotion])
    - Installing launcher icon ............................. OK

    Installation done successfully.

    You can now use these tools from [/home/username/genymotion]:
     - genymotion
     - genymotion-shell
     - gmtool

  2. To run genymotion
    $ ./genymotion/genymotion
    Logging activities to file: /home/dedetok/.Genymobile/genymotion.log

Note: You don't need root access to run genymotion.


Debian Stretch: install virtual box from repository

These are steps to install virtualbox from repository:
  1. Add repository into system:
    # echo 'deb stretch contrib' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list
  2. Download and install key
    # wget
    # apt-key add oracle_vbox_2016.asc
  3. Update your system
    # apt-get update
  4. Install latest virtualbox (currently version 5.2)
    # apt-get install virtualbox-5.2


Windows 10: entering windows repair mode

On my pc, windows 10 update often cause my PC to unstable (application error and system not responded after update).

This note, as my personal guide to enter windows repair mode.

To enter windows repair mode, do these steps:
  1. At window 10 login screen, hold shift button and click Power -> Restart.
  2. Next screen choose Troubleshoot and Advanced Options.
  3. There are some option to choose depend on what we want to repair:
    1. Command prompt (my favorite)
    2. Startup Setting
    3. Startup repair 
    4. others
  4. Then restart your windows, it will start your windows in repair mode.

For common troubleshooting do these sequence:
  1. sfc /scannow
  2. chkdsk c: /f
You may need to have handy windows update troubleshooter from micro soft site

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Eclipse Oxygen: install Google Web Toolkit (GWT Eclipse Plugin)

To Install Google Web Toolkit (GWT Eclipse Plugin)
  1. Go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace ...
  2. In Find type gwt (All Markets and All Categories) click Go
  3. Choose GWT Eclipse Plugin 3.0.0 (at time this note write) to install
  4. Choose all GWT plugin and accept all terms and conditions, click Finish
  5. Done


Saturday, December 23, 2017

Eclipse Oxygen: install SWT plugin GUI Designer

Tested on:
  1. Eclipse version: 4.7.2
  2. JDK 9.0.1
To install SWT plugin GUI Designer:
  1. Help -> Install New Software...
  2. Work with: --All Available Site--
  3. Type Filter Text: swt
  4. Select/check (undeer General Purpose Tools
    1. SWT Designer
    2. SWT Designer Core
    3. SWT Designer Documentation 
    4. SWT Designer SWT_AWT Support
    5. SWT Designer XWT Support (requres Eclipse WTPWST)
  5. Click next and Finish
To use it:
  1. Open or create Java Project
  2. New -> Other -> Window Builder -> Swing Designer -> Application Window
  3. Click Next
  4. Fill form (for example):
    1. Package: com.dedetok
    2. Name: MyTestSWTClass
  5. Click Next and Finish