Friday, September 8, 2017

Windows 10 Build 15063: Fix Display Brightness on Amd

After upgrade to WIndows 10 build 15063, display brightness can not be change. To fix this we need to change value in registry.
Open regedit and change this value
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> SYSTEM> CurrentControlSet> Control> Class> {4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}> 0000 > KMD_EnableBrightnessInterface2 to 0
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> SYSTEM> CurrentControlSet> Control> Class> {4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}> 0001 > KMD_EnableBrightnessInterface2 to 0
Restart your Windows.


Friday, August 25, 2017

Android Studio: how to use Google Play service 11.2 release

To use latest Google Play services 11.2 release, we need to meet some requirements.
Here are my environment:
  • Android Studio 2.3.3
  • Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.1
  • Google Play Service 43
  • Android Support Repository, rev 47
  • Android SDK Platform 26

1. Start from Google Play services 11.2 release, Google Play services dependcies are now abailable via We need to change our application Grandle build scripts.

  1. Open Tab 1:Project, select Android
  2. Expand Grandle Scripts
  3. Open build.grandle (Project: [your project name])
  4. Find and add google() inside allprojects like this:
allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url ''
      // url '' // NOT WORK
      // Alternative URL is ''

2. Google Play services 11.2 release requires Android SDK Platform 26. You need to install it from SDK Manager and used it.
Open Tab 1:Project, select Android

  1. Expand Grandle Scripts
  2. Open build.grandle (Module: app)
  3. Make sure you use Android SDK Platform 26
android {
  compileSdkVersion 26
  buildToolsVersion "26.0.1"
  defaultConfig {
    targetSdkVersion 26
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

3. You can change and use Google Service 11.2 for example to use Google Adsmob
Open Tab 1:Project, select Android

  1. Expand Grandle Scripts
  2. Open build.grandle (Module: app)
dependencies {
  compile ''


Monday, August 21, 2017

Debian Jessie: CPU frequency scaling to prevent over heat on laptop's cpu

To prevent over heat on laptop's CPU when used, we need to limit its frequency below maximum. We need cpufrequtils to do that.
To install CPU frequency scaling tools:
# apt-get install cpufrequtils
Show CPU info
# cpufreq-info
cpufrequtils 008: cpufreq-info (C) Dominik Brodowski 2004-2009
Report errors and bugs to, please.
analyzing CPU 0:
  driver: acpi-cpufreq
  CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0
  CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 0
  maximum transition latency: 10.0 us.
  hardware limits: 1000 MHz - 1.67 GHz
  available frequency steps: 1.67 GHz, 1.33 GHz, 1000 MHz
  available cpufreq governors: powersave, userspace, conservative, ondemand, performance
  current policy: frequency should be within 1000 MHz and 1.67 GHz.
                  The governor "ondemand" may decide which speed to use
                  within this range.
  current CPU frequency is 1.67 GHz (asserted by call to hardware).
  cpufreq stats: 1.67 GHz:30.20%, 1.33 GHz:3.69%, 1000 MHz:66.10%  (10888)
analyzing CPU 1:
  driver: acpi-cpufreq
  CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 1
  CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 1
  maximum transition latency: 10.0 us.
  hardware limits: 1000 MHz - 1.67 GHz
  available frequency steps: 1.67 GHz, 1.33 GHz, 1000 MHz
  available cpufreq governors: powersave, userspace, conservative, ondemand, performance
  current policy: frequency should be within 1000 MHz and 1.67 GHz.
                  The governor "ondemand" may decide which speed to use
                  within this range.
  current CPU frequency is 1.67 GHz (asserted by call to hardware).
  cpufreq stats: 1.67 GHz:28.63%, 1.33 GHz:3.90%, 1000 MHz:67.47%  (10888)
To show available frequency
# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies
1667000 1333000 1000000
For kernel 3.16, edit file /etc/init.d/cpufrequtils, change MIN_SPEED to 1000000 and MAX_SPEED to 1333000. For example:
NOTE: Frequency must in range in # cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies
Reload system daemon
# systemctl daemon-reload

Friday, August 18, 2017

Aktifasi kartu baru 4444 Telkomsel

Setelah memasukan kartu prabayar, ikutilah petunjuk registrasi. Masukan outlet ID dengan benar!

Bila anda menerima sms dari 4444 sbb:
"Maaf, saat ini permintaan Anda tidak dapat diproses. Silahkan hubungi call centre 188 untuk informasi lebih lanjut."

Kirim SMS ke no 1818 dengan format "POSID <Outlet_ID>"

Anda akan menerima sms dari 1818 sbb:
"Pelanggan Yth, Layanan prabayar Anda telah telah dapat dipergunakan.Terimakasih."
Selamat, kartu prabayar anda sudah aktif. Silahkan dicoba digunakan.



Friday, August 11, 2017

Windows 10: prevent overheat your processor in Windows 10 at your laptop

To prevent overheat your processor in Windows 10, follows these steps:
  1. Windows search and type "Edit power plan"
  2. Click "Change advance power Settings"
  3. Expand "Processor power management" -> "Maximum processor state" and modify these values:
    1. Change on battery to 90%
    2. Plugged in to 95%
Don't let 100% CPU state in your laptop. It may cause overheat depend on applications you are running.