Thursday, May 4, 2017

Windows: Install/deploy XAMP 7.1.1

We would like to test our application on PHP 7.1. To do that, we need to install/deploy XAMPP 7.1.1.
You can download installer or portable XAMPP 7.1.1 packages at or (non installer). I prefered to use portable XAMPP 7.1.1 package, xampp-portable-win32-7.1.1-0-VC14.7z.
XAMPP 7.1.1 required Microsoft Visual C++2015 Runtime. You can download it from Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3 (latest when this article written). Choose your Windows platform that you used, 32 bit or 64 bit. Download and install it.
Extract xampp-portable-win32-7.1.1-0-VC14.7z, into your drive for example C:. It will create folder C:\xampp.
Before you use it, do this to avoid some problems:
  1. Edit file C:\xampp\mysql\bin\my.ini
    change key_buffer to key_buffer_size for example:
    key_buffer to key_buffer_size = 16M
  2. Create folder C:\xampp\mysql\lib\plugin
You may start or stop your apache 
  1. Using XAMPP Control "xampp-control.exe"
  2. Running on cmd "apache_start.bat" to start and "apache_stop.bat" to stop (I prefere this).
You may start or stop your mysql (MariaDB)
  1. Using XAMPP Control "xampp-control.exe"
  2. Running on cmd "mysql_start.bat" to start and "mysql_stop.bat" to stop (I prefere this).
  1. XAMPP folder required directly under drive for example C:\xampp, D:\xampp, etc, it may fail to start.
  2. Do not rename xampp folder, it may fail to start.

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