Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Evercoss Genpro X Pro S50 removing malware Android.Downloader.4930 /system/lib/libcheckperlib.so



  • rooted android or temporary root using mtk-su create by Diplomatic
  • pc with adb or Termux

This are steps to remove malware Android.Downloader.4930 /system/lib/libcheckperlib.so using Termux created by Grey Tshirts:

  1. Create these bash script and save it as s50_patch2021.sh


    echo "checking $FILE"

    if [ -f $FILE ]; then
     echo "File $FILE exists."
     echo "Try remount system rw."
     /system/bin/mount -o rw,remount /system
     echo "Backing up $FILE."
     /system/bin/mkdir /sdcard/dedetok
     /system/bin/cp $FILE /sdcard/dedetok
     echo "Removing $FILE"
     /system/bin/rm $FILE
     echo "Remount system ro"
     /system/bin/mount -o ro,remount /system
     echo "Done, reboot your Evercoss S50"
     echo "File $FILE does not exist."
  2. Or you can download it from this site. Open Termux and type
    $ wget http://garasiku.my.id/folder/S50_patch2021.sh.txt
  3. rename it
    $ mv ./S50_patch2021.sh.txt ./S50_patch2021.sh
  4. change permission
    $ chmod 744 ./S50_patch2021.sh
  5. run mtk-su and run the cript
    # ./S50_patch2021.sh
  6. reboot your phone

Don't forget to run your antivirus after reboot your phone. android is not save operating system.

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