Saturday, May 26, 2018

Move/Restore Joomla site to a new server using Kickstart 5.4.2

Tested on Joomla 3.8.3 and Kickstart 5.4.2.
Note: you don't need to install Joomla first, Kickstart will extract your Joomla.
  1. previous back up using Akeeba Backup for Joomla (jpa or zip file)
  2. MySQL user and password
  3. Read/write permission on web root
Here are the steps:
  1. Download Akeeba Kickstart from Kickstart contains kickstart.php and its supporting files.
  2. Upload and extract Kickstart to your previoes Joomla root for example upload and extract into [your_home]/public_html/joomla.
  3. Upload your backup files to your web root for example upload into [your_home]/public_html/joomla. It may take time, depends on your connection speed.
  4. From your browser open URL http://[your_site]/joomla/kickstart.php and click "Click here or press ESC to close this message".
  5. Fill form
    1. Archive file: [your jpa/jps files] e.q. [your_home]/public_html/
    2. Temporary directory: [your_ftp_temp_folder] e.q. [your_home]/public_html/tmp
  6. Click "Start" to start extracting your Joomla site backup and click "Run Installer" to reinstall and configure your Joomla site.
  7. It will open ANGIE – Akeeba Next Generation Installer Engine v.5.6.3 in a new tab. Click "Next".
  8. Fill your MySQL access
    1. Database server host name: localhost [Note: check your hosting provider]
    2. User name:    [your MySQL user]
    3. Password:    [your MySQL user password]
    4.  Database Name:    [your MySQL database name]
  9. To continue click "Next", It will give a warning, you may click "Ok" or "Cancel".
  10. If Success, click "Next Step".
  11. It will restore your configuration files. Update your preferences if you wish, and fill your Joomla administrator password.
  12. Click "Next" to finish configuration. It will ask your to clean up your Kickstart. It will clean
    1. Kickstart files
    2. folder Installation
  13. Done and conguratulation!  
REMOVE your JPA/JPS  files from public_html!

Additional Option to change Akeeba backup folder
  1. Create folder for example akeebabackup on your home directory for example [your_home]/akeebabackup.
  2. Open your Joomla Administrator page and update Joomla system if necessary.
  3. "Components -> Akeeba Backup" in "Basic Operation" select "Configuration".
  4. Change Output Directory into your akeebabackup folder for example /home/example/akeebabackup
  5. To change non default backup schema, under "Components -> Akeeba Backup" in "Basic Operation" select "Profiles Management"


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