Monday, August 1, 2016

Tuning Nox App Player 3.7 for low-end PC A4-4020 with 2GB RAM

I assume you already instal Nox App Player version 3.7. 
If you instal it on low-end PC (like mine), your PC may become unrespond during Nox App Player start. Here is my PC specifications:
  • Ram 2 GB
  • Processor A4-4020 Dual Core 
  • Windows 10 64bit SL build 10586
To make Nox App Player run smoothly and make my Windows responding, I make set CPU and memory allocation. Do these steps to custom your Nox App Player:
  1. Go to System Settings -> Advanced tab
  2. In Performance Settings, select Custom
  3. Fill CPU 1 and memory 512M (do not set more then or equal 1024M)
  4. In Startup Settings, choose tablet 800x600
  5. Restart your Nox App Player

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